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Collaborative Work

Explore techniques to enhance team collaboration and productivity. Find tips on effective communication, shared workspaces, and project management strategies.

The Sound of Remote Collaboration: Autonomous Squads

By Dawid Bednarski June 12, 2020 36 Min Read

The recent Spotify x Joe Rogan deal made one thing clear: Spotify is going for gold of the podcasting industry. While the company’s chain of acquisitions is part of a well-thought-out business model, the Swedish music streaming service didn’t start as the most orderly bunch. Back in 2012, Spotify sported an experimental and highly volatile organizational approach that came to be known as the “Spotify model.” In today’s article, we’re…

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Work From Home: A Pocket-Sized Guide

By Dawid Bednarski June 9, 2020 22 Min Read

As more companies are extending their remote work policies, we thought it might be a good time to revisit the concept of work from home (WFH) and see where it stands today.  While the growing popularity of flexible, off-site work arrangements is a positive thing (even if it’s by necessity), the concept of a fully remote workplace is still intimidating to many. If you’re new to remote work or just…

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Minimalism in a Digital Remote World

By Dawid Bednarski May 25, 2020 24 Min Read

When Thoreau moved into his Walden cabin in 1845, he left most of his possessions behind. Had he lived today, he’d have probably dumped his smartphone and smartwatch too and embraced the way of digital minimalism. What’s digital minimalism? Why is it good for you? Let’s find out! 💡 Defining Digital Minimalism  Did you know that the average smartphone user—wink wink—checks their phone 58 times a day? According to RescueTime’s study, the…

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Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication for Collaboration, That Is the Question

By Dawid Bednarski May 19, 2020 21 Min Read

What’s the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication? Which is better for your team? There’s no better time to find answers to these questions than during a global work-from-home (WFH) experiment. In this article, we explore the differences between real-time and async comms. Oh, and while we’re at it, we also settle a debate: Which of the two belongs in the workplace of the future? 🤔 Sync vs. Async: What’s…

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How to Overcome Poor Communication in a Distributed Team?

By John Xie May 12, 2020 15 Min Read

How many times have you sent an email that caused a stir in your distributed team? Maybe you used the wrong emoji, misspelled a word or didn’t articulate your thoughts correctly. 🤷🏻‍♂️ These minor hiccups are some of the reasons people misunderstand each other in written communication. Find your email particularly hilarious? Crafted a witty chat comeback? Think twice before hitting “send” because your co-workers may have a different idea…

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How to Foster Remote Workplace Camaraderie

By Dawid Bednarski May 4, 2020 24 Min Read

Workplace camaraderie among distributed teams… An urban legend? A mythical creature? Building a culture of companionship and solidarity is a dream come true for leaders in distributed organizations. In this article, we set out on a quest to answer these questions. You’ll learn how workplace camaraderie can make employees happier, more engaged and satisfied with their work. You’ll also see what happens when companionship wanes or, worse still, never develops. …

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The Evolution of Video Conferencing

By Dawid Bednarski April 23, 2020 17 Min Read

Video conferencing is a real treat. It brings friends together, helps companies get work done… heck, chances are even your grandparents have learned how to use the computer and host virtual family gatherings! 🎉 With COVID-19 keeping the world on its toes, video communication has become a staple in our personal and business interactions. It’s affordable, universally available and very much in line with social-distancing recommendations. It’s never easy trying…

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Designing a Minimalist Home Office in 6 Easy Steps (Updated)

By John Xie April 1, 2020 11 Min Read

Are you among the millions of employees adopting remote work due to COVID-19? If so, chances are navigating your newly established home office still feels like sailing in uncharted waters. We don’t know how long this situation will last or how many businesses will embrace remote work for longer. What we do know, however, is that organizing a productive space at home is no mean feat. To get work done,…

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Remote Work 101: Essential Tips for Working From Home

By John Xie March 24, 2020 9 Min Read

Considering all the benefits of working from home, it’s no surprise many believe telecommuting is the future of employment. And we don’t need to look into our crystal ball to see that prediction becoming a reality 🔮 A survey by Owl Labs and Global Workplace Analytics found that 51% of on-site U.S. workers would like to work remotely in the future. Another 30% would consider it as an option (2019)….

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How Remote Work Can Impact Our Fight Against Climate Change 🌳

By John Xie March 16, 2020 17 Min Read

The Connection Between Seemingly Unrelated Trends 📌 Remote work and climate change are staple topics for anyone paying attention to the news. Talking heads just love debating how the two are shaping our immediate and more distant future. But did you know that climate change and a preference for working remotely are not just running in parallel tracks? In fact, they can influence each other in a meaningful way. 💡…

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Why Distributed Teams Are the Future of Workforce ✨

By Dawid Bednarski March 11, 2020 28 Min Read

The game is on. Businesses around the world are joining the “remote culture” to embrace the benefits of distributed teams. According to estimates, as much as 50% of the global workforce may go fully remote by 2020. 🙊 Not so long ago, we published the article “Reverse-Engineering Productivity for Remote Teams. Do More With Less” that detailed how already established remote teams can overcome common productivity problems (be sure to…

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Utilizing a Digital Bullet Journal to Boost Team Productivity in 2024

By John Xie February 6, 2020 17 Min Read

✍️ Journaling can increase your productivity and help you stay mindful of important, long-term goals. Whether you’re scoping out a new project, updating an existing feature, or smashing bugs in your current system, the act of writing down and evaluating tasks keeps your team organized. And using the digital bullet journal framework is one of the best ways to approach this practice. Building productive habits is also easier when everyone…

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