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Startup History

Discover a collection of articles that chronicle the journeys of startups and digital tools. Each piece offers a detailed look at the evolution, milestones, and critical moments in the life of these companies and products.

The Startup Guide to Storytelling: Learn from Text-Based Adventure Games!

By Dawid Bednarski March 25, 2021 32 Min Read

“You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it would be if you could see it which you can’t.”(1) That whimsical description is the introduction to 1978 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (HG2G), a text-based game rendition of Douglas Adam’s timeless classic. And it only gets better… In today’s article, we set out to rediscover the fun of storytelling. And is there…

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How to Evaluate Startup Ideas (50+ Questions and 16 Free Templates Inside)

By Dawid Bednarski January 23, 2021 29 Min Read

Once in a while, we all come across awesome ideas that have the potential to change the world. The tricky part is evaluating startup ideas, separating the wheat from the chaff, and acting on real gems with fine business potential. Here’s what you’re going to learn in this article: 💡 Before you start… Each section of this article comes with several handy templates that’ll make evaluating startup ideas much easier….

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50 Years of Innovation in Video Game Console Designs

By Dawid Bednarski November 2, 2020 43 Min Read

Over the last 50 years, gaming has dropped the “not-too-serious” tag and matured into a booming $159.3 billion industry(1). To celebrate the dawn of the 9th generation of consoles—and satisfy our geek hearts—we take a look back at the history of video game consoles and the evolution of the user experience (UX) we all love them for. 👾 Insert coin to continue… If you want to learn more about the…

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Internet Relay Chat (IRC): How It All Started

By Dawid Bednarski June 25, 2020 20 Min Read

These days, synchronous (real-time) communication is almost too easy. There are dozens of tools that let teams chat, video conference and get work done. Some, like Taskade, combine all that functionality together, in one unified workspace. But back in the early Internet days, there was only one communication king, and its name was Internet Relay Chat (IRC). 👑 For over 30 years (!), the IRC protocol has enabled millions of…

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Y Combinator Fieldnotes: How to Grow and Thrive During a Crisis

By John Xie April 7, 2020 24 Min Read

Postpone and wait or adapt and move forward? Companies and organizations across the globe have been facing some hard decisions in the last few weeks. COVID-19 took the world by storm, and only a few, including Y Combinator, were prepared to ride the wave of crisis.  Thanks to preparedness and willingness to embrace remote work tools, some businesses were able to quickly move from:  👉 Office work to telecommuting👉 In-person…

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