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Task management

Move Tasks, Bulk Assign, Sort Sub-Tasks

June 20, 2021 2 Min Read

Hi Taskaders  🎉 We’ve worked hard to make Taskade work better for you! Here’s what’s new: ⚡️ Move Tasks  You can now move and copy tasks to any project across any workspace. ✅ Bulk Assign Tasks Multi-select tasks and assign yourself or other team members. Learn more. ⚡️ Sort Sub-Tasks Sort sub-tasks by completed or uncompleted as well as the due date. 🎉 Other Improvements New: Taskade mobile for iOS & Android updated: Added…

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Checker Role, Copy Tasks, New Keyboard Shortcuts for Add-ons

June 10, 2021 3 Min Read

Hi Taskaders  🎉 New features and improvements are here. Let us know what you think! ✅ Checker Role Permission We added a new checker role permission to both workspaces and projects. The new role limits team members to checking and unchecking items only. 📦 Copy Tasks Across Projects You can now copy tasks and blocks to other projects! Simply open the more menu to copy items to projects in any…

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2-Way Google Calendar Sync, Task Start Time, Repeating Task Intervals

March 31, 2021 3 Min Read

Hi Taskaders  🎉 We have an exciting update for you this week. Give it a try and let us know what you think! ⚡️ 2-Way Google Calendar Sync You can now integrate with Google Calendar for 2-way syncing! Visit the integrations page to get started. Events created in Google Calendar will appear as unassigned events in your Taskade Calendar. To add the event to a project, simply click on the event and assign…

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Customize Sub-Tasks, Mindmap View, Mobile & Desktop App Update

December 14, 2020 3 Min Read

Happy Holidays  🎉 Before we bid farewell to this eventful year, we have another exciting update for you this week, just in time for the holidays. 🧠 Customize your Sub-Tasks Customize the format of your sub-tasks at any level across all views. You can now click to add items vertically in the Mindmap view. ⚡️ Mobile Update Experience the new Taskade in landscape mode on iOS & Android! Undo and redo is now supported on…

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🔗 My Tasks, Team Agenda, Project Links

November 26, 2020 2 Min Read

You can now organize and manage your team tasks like never before! 😎 ✅ My Tasks See tasks assigned to you across all projects and workspaces in My Tasks. ⚡️ Agenda = Tasks The new Tasks tab in your workspace lets you filter by assignee or dates. 🔗 Project Links Add links to other projects using @mention and create an interconnected web of projects within your workspace. Search results have…

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Multiselect Tasks, Reorder Shortcut, Project Activity

October 28, 2020 2 Min Read

We have another exciting update for Taskade this week. Enjoy! 🎉 ⚡️ Multiselect Tasks: Style & Format You can now highlight, bold, italicize, underline, and complete multiple tasks. In addition, you can change the format (✅ ⏺ 📝) of multiple blocks.  ⚡️ Reorder Tasks with Keyboard Shortcuts Press Ctrl or ⌘ + Shift + ↑ ↓ on your keyboard to reorder tasks and blocks. ⚡️ Project Activity in Chat Your completed…

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Reorder Tasks and Workspaces in Mobile, Import into Taskade

June 9, 2020 3 Min Read

Hi Taskaders 👋 We have an exciting update for iOS and Android mobile users this week! ⚡️ Reorder Tasks on Mobile You can now drag and drop to reorder tasks in any project. Give our new mobile app a try for iOS and Android. ⚡️ Reorder Workspaces on Mobile Easily drag and drop to reorder your workspaces and subspaces in Taskade. ⚡️ Import into Taskade You can now import into Taskade, starting with Trello. Simply head to your workspace dashboard and select the…

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How Minimalist To-Do List Apps Help Distributed Teams Thrive

April 8, 2020 14 Min Read

Being part of a distributed team is cool—you can work how you want, when you want and (almost) without distractions. But organizing work in a 100% remote setup can be tricky, especially when your team doesn’t share a minimalist to-do list that’d keep everybody on the same page. So, how do you make sure your to-do lists, Kanban boards or product pipelines don’t become convoluted over time? How do you…

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Transform your Task Lists ⚡️

February 19, 2019 3 Min Read

You can now transform your task lists into multiple views and work the way you want. Taskade is one interface to organize and get things done. Toggle the list options at the top right corner to give it a try! 🙂 List View (Default) This is the default view for all new lists created on Taskade. Make a new list here: Board View This view lets you work horizontally…

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