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project management

🤖 New Gantt Chart, Shareable AI Knowledge, & Custom Automations!

By Dawid Bednarski April 15, 2024 7 Min Read

Hi Taskaders! We’re excited to announce the arrival of the Gantt Chart view, along with more AI-powered enhancements for your custom agents and automation. Enjoy! 📐 Introducing the Gantt Chart View The new Gantt Chart view is here! Get a clear picture of your project timelines and stay in sync with deadlines. Tracking progress has never been easier. Toggle between multiple views in your project — from Mind Maps and Boards to Tables and…

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12 Best AI Tools for Content Creation in 2024

By Fariz Hawafi April 6, 2024 18 Min Read

How brands connect with their audiences is evolving incredibly, and AI is leading the charge. AI offers unprecedented efficiency, personalization, and data-driven insights, enabling companies to amplify their content strategies and engage consumers more effectively. But hold on, we’re not talking about some robotic, soulless approach here. The true magic of AI lies in its ability to enhance authenticity and strengthen your brand’s unique voice. When used thoughtfully, these tools…

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From Distraction to Action: AI For ADHD Productivity

By Dawid Bednarski April 6, 2024 18 Min Read

Not so long ago, managing ADHD was mostly about medications and therapy. But thanks to the latest AI tech, we’re turning a new page. AI productivity apps can be a powerful ally for the ADHD brain, and we’ll show you how to use them. If you’re part of the neurodiverse clan, you know the frustrations of missed deadlines, constant distractions, and car keys that sprout legs (metaphorically). There are many…

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12 Best AI Tools for Coding

By Fariz Hawafi April 1, 2024 33 Min Read

Imagine it’s way past midnight. You’re staring at your computer, combing through endless lines of code to spot that pesky bug throwing a wrench in your project. Sounds familiar? If only you had a magic wand to pinpoint exactly where things went wrong. Now, let’s flip the script. Imagine you’ve got an AI sidekick by your side — a super-smart friend who knows the solution to (almost) everything. Together, you…

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10 Best AI Tools For Designers

By Fariz Hawafi March 27, 2024 19 Min Read

Every minute, AI generates thousands of design elements worldwide, transforming the creative landscape at an unprecedented pace. Whether we like it or not, AI has become a prevalent force in our daily lives and professions.  So, if you’re pondering which tools can sharpen your design arsenal, look no further. This article explores ten groundbreaking AI tools that significantly impact the design industry.  Benefits of Using AI Tools for Designers Before…

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Taskade’s New Email Automation Features — Streamline Your Inbox With AI Agents

By Dawid Bednarski March 12, 2024 19 Min Read

Email has its charm — it’s fast and efficient. But let’s face it, our inboxes are a mess; there is too much junk and emails we don’t care about. Now, picture this: an inbox that can manage itself — say hello to the new era of email automation. We asked ourselves a simple question: “Why not make email work for us, not against us?” That’s why we’ve built an email…

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8 Best AI Tools For Product Developers

By Fariz Hawafi March 6, 2024 18 Min Read

As a product developer, you’re all too familiar with the challenges of bringing a visionary concept to life. You grapple with tight deadlines, shifting market demands, and the constant pressure to innovate—all while ensuring your product is both feasible and aligned with customer expectations.  Today, we’re giving you a list of AI-powered tools to help you navigate these challenges and turn them into opportunities for creativity and efficiency.  This article…

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Enhancing Team Collaboration and Productivity with Taskade AI

By Dawid Bednarski March 3, 2024 18 Min Read

It’s been a while since we discussed team collaboration on the blog. But now that we’ve introduced more cool AI-powered features into Taskade (we’ll get to that in a bit), it’s the perfect time to revisit the topic. So, grab your coffee, and let’s get started. ☕️ New to the topic? Start with the basics of project management. Here’s the thing — even in the world of AI, effective team…

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5 Best AI Tools For Meeting Notes

By Fariz Hawafi March 1, 2024 15 Min Read

Great organizations are built on the backbone of efficient meetings, where every decision and discussion propels the enterprise forward. Taking effective meeting notes is crucial for tracking progress and ensuring accountability in any professional setting.  Let’s face it, capturing every detail is challenging, especially when discussions move quickly.  AI is revolutionizing workplace productivity by automating routine tasks and personalizing user experiences. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by too many meetings….

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What Is Scope Creep and How Can It Be Managed?

By Dawid Bednarski February 17, 2024 23 Min Read

Some projects have a mind of their own. One minute, everything is on track; the next, you’re over budget and behind schedule. Scope creep is behind all of it. Take the Sydney Opera House, for example. What was supposed to be a straightforward, affordable project ended up taking 14 years and costing a small fortune. Then there’s the Boston Big Dig, a.k.a. the Central Artery Project, which grew from a…

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10 Top AI Tools for Agile Development

By Dawid Bednarski February 10, 2024 20 Min Read

Managing Agile projects makes you wish for a time machine to rethink your life decisions? We get it. Scope creep, overcommitment, communication gaps — it’s hard to manage it all without a reliable, digital toolbox. The good news is we have created one for you, filled with the top AI tools for Agile development. In today’s article, we’re unpacking a lineup AI platforms that will make a real difference in…

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Best 8 AI-Powered Tools for Automation

By Fariz Hawafi February 1, 2024 21 Min Read

Tired of feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, doing the same old tasks over and over? We feel you. But what if we told you there’s a way to shake things up and work smarter, not harder? Enter AI-powered automation tools – your new best friends for maximum efficiency! 🤖 These bad boys aren’t just about speeding through your to-do list (though they rock at that too). They’re all…

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