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Definition: An Agile epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks, called user stories, which are part of an initiative or feature.

Within the context of Agile project management, an epic represents a significant chunk of work that encapsulates a big feature or a substantial goal that needs to be achieved. This concept is crucial for long-term planning and helps teams to stay aligned with the project’s overarching objectives.

How To Create an Agile Epic?

Creating an Agile epic involves several key steps:

  • Define the Goal: Clearly articulate the broader goal or feature the epic is meant to address.
  • Breakdown into Stories: Divide the epic into smaller, actionable user stories.
  • Prioritize: Arrange user stories in a manner that aligns with project priorities and stakeholder values.

Examples of Agile Epics

In the context of Taskade, an Agile epic example could be the development of a new collaboration feature. This epic could be further broken down into user stories such as designing the user interface, implementing the backend functionality, and user testing.

Optimizing Your Epics With Automation

Automation can greatly enhance the efficiency of working with Agile epics:

  • Automatically create 3 user stories upon the creation of an epic.
  • Automatically close stories when an epic is marked as done.

This streamlines the workflow and ensures that the progress of epics and their associated user stories is synchronized.

  • Release Planning: Scheduling the release of software functionalities.
  • Backlog Refinement: Prioritizing and detailing backlog items for clarity.


Working with Agile epics requires a clear understanding of the project goals and effective breakdown into user stories. Automation tools, like those offered by Taskade, can facilitate the process, making it more efficient and ensuring that team members are focused on the right tasks at the right time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Epic

Can an Epic Span Multiple Sprints?

Yes, an epic often spans multiple sprints due to its size and complexity, and it is broken down into smaller user stories that fit into individual sprints.

How Do You Decide When an Epic Is Complete?

An epic is complete when all its associated user stories have been finished and the overarching goal of the epic has been achieved.

Should Epics Be Aligned With Roadmaps?

Epics should indeed be aligned with product roadmaps to ensure they contribute to the long-term vision and objectives of the project.