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Definition: An initiative in Agile refers to a large, high-level goal that guides the development of smaller, related projects or stories.

Initiatives in Agile project management are extensive, overarching goals that set the direction for various projects and activities within an organization.

They are typically part of a larger framework aimed at driving continuous improvement and adaptation to change.

What Is an Initiative?

In the context of Agile project management, an initiative is a significant endeavor aimed at achieving a strategic goal or objective that provides value to the organization.

It often involves coordinating multiple projects or user stories under one umbrella to ensure consistency and alignment with overall business goals.

Initiatives are crucial for maintaining a clear direction and focus within Agile teams. They help to break down strategic objectives into actionable projects, providing a roadmap for iterative development and continuous delivery.

Initiatives also provide a mechanism for measuring progress towards long-term goals, which is essential for Agile organizations that prioritize flexibility and rapid response to change.

How to Create Initiatives

Creating initiatives in Agile project management involves several key steps to ensure they are aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives and are feasible within the given resources and time constraints.

  1. Identify the strategic goals of the organization.
  2. Define the high-level objectives that will drive these goals.
  3. Ensure that the initiatives are broad enough to encompass multiple projects or stories, yet specific enough to provide clear direction.
  4. Involve stakeholders in the initiative planning process to gather insights and ensure buy-in.
  5. Develop a roadmap that outlines the key milestones and deliverables for each initiative.

Examples of Initiatives

Examples of initiatives in Agile may vary depending on the industry and the specific goals of the organization. However, common examples might include:

  • Implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system to improve customer service.
  • Developing a new product line in response to market demand.
  • Launching a company-wide quality improvement program.
  • Expanding into a new market or demographic.

These initiatives would be broken down into smaller, more manageable projects or user stories that Agile teams can work on iteratively.


In Agile project management, initiatives are instrumental in connecting daily activities with the overarching goals of the organization. They provide structure and direction, ensuring that all projects contribute to the strategic objectives.

By carefully designing and implementing initiatives, Agile teams can maintain their flexibility while achieving significant, long-term improvements for their organization.

Frequently Asked Questions About Initiatives

What Differentiates an Initiative From a Project in Agile?

An initiative is broader than a project and may encompass multiple projects. It aligns with strategic goals, while a project is more focused on specific deliverables and timelines.

How Do Agile Teams Track Progress on Initiatives?

Agile teams often use visual management tools like Kanban boards or digital project management platforms to track progress on initiatives, breaking them down into smaller, trackable items.

How Often Should Initiatives Be Reviewed and Adjusted?

Initiatives should be reviewed regularly, with adjustments made as necessary based on feedback and changes in the business environment. This aligns with the Agile principle of responding to change over following a fixed plan.